That coveted spot!! A spot not traded in for much pomp,allure nor casual banters or over serious arguments.
Ever since the fateful day of 16th March 2020 came and announced to the entire world that we had entered a time of uncertainty- a Pandemic time where we all needed to quarantine in our respective houses, Moi took this to heart.
Since then,Yours truly left no stones unturned to unequivocally reclaim that ONE spot on the couch as “HER (SELF PROCLAIMED) MAJESTY’s “ MAJESTIC THRONE😀 sans the jewels😆.
One might feel intrigued to know what was so specially magnetic about that special spot that it deserved such regality?Well the answer was simple too.Beauty lay in the eyes of the beholder. Hence sitting at the cornered spot on the couch gave this homerestricted moi an untold feeling of self gratification! An exulted feeling of gratification to engulf the beauty around & of the surroundings by just stationing the rear end on the couch every single morning until night when the city went off to sleep.
This practice for over twenty months at a stretch undoubtedly earned this ‘Sincerely Yours’ author many accolades naming- “Couch Potato”, “Master of thy domain”,as well as the potential risk bearer of a not so pleasant “Couch Sore” as well.
It was that prominent spot which was a getaway for ‘Her’ into the living space outside the perimeters of her house during these months of the Pandemic.
A nine by five casement window with the silhouette of the maple tree in the front yard, the blue fir by the corner opened up the outer world to the author. That spot bore testimony to all the happy chirping of birds of different sizes , colors – in the morning , talking , giggling sharing their own stories with each other .A perfect DeJa Vu for the author reminding her of the happy bygone days of her trips to the University Campus with a bunch of her close friends and the unlimited chatter and giggles which followed.
Of all the morning , afternoon and evening micturiton schedules of all pets of the neighborhood who came out with their ‘huparents’. The daily schedule of the woodpecker’s incessant pecking in a rhythm – all these became a part of Moi’s routine .
Ranging ftom the construction workers’ daily hustle bustle to the landscapers’ scheduled mowing to the waste management’s weekly timetable, she maintained her ties to the world outside through that 9 ft *5ft window and the sweet Couch spot.
However everything was not always that hunky dory. There were times when a sense of despair , uncertainty over the future clouded up Moi’s mind, when the same sweet soft spot of the couch felt like shackles,preventing the resumption of a complete normal life as in the PreCovid times.
As luck would have it,the much dreaded C virus spread its tentacles on this household as well. And one day suddenly by the twist and turns of fate , the much covetted spot unwittingly slipped out from Moi’s hands much to her chagrin.
Left with no other choice, Yours truly had to unhappily shift her base and seek refuge in her bedroom in self isolation! Started her countdown From Day Zero towards Day Ten- her official date of liberation from the self imposed confinement.
Those ten days seemed to have opened up a new spectrum in front of sincerely yours.
The value of time, worth of having everyone around oneself , the priceless touches, the nagging asks of your loved ones, the price of not speaking a single word , yet the strength of having the entire family around you was beyond any barter-beyond any measurable yardstick of happiness.
How the 9 ft * 5 ft outer word transcended to half that it was – how the getaway to the beauty outside narrowed down to the dimension of a 4.5 ft * 5.5 ft casement window on one corner of the bedroom.
An empty birdfeeder , the cold grey sky, trees with withered leaves and some occasional sightings of flock of homeward bound birds were the featured highlights during these ten days of quarantine.

Moi learnt the lesson of the lifetime during this brief hiatus from the regularities of the “Much Yearned Life”
Acceptance of life as it comes is the best way to move forward.What seems hackneyed now, will become the memory for tomorrow. Enjoy in bounty what you have been prized with,for this moment is transient. And mostly be thankful for everything that you have been blessed with. For many, this Today never came for them to look forward to the new Tomorrow. Embrace the moments,embrace that couch corner, that spot which you made yours – Embrace your present . For you are luckier than many……………
Amen to this.
“Eat Pray Love”. ♥️💕♥️.
Very nice
Thank You . 🙏
Excellent, Excellent… emotions are same here শুধু ভাষাটা অন্য, আর ভাবটা বা জানলার মধ্যে দিয়ে বাইরের দৃশ্য গুলো তৃতীয়বিশ্বের। সবকিছুর উর্ধে emotion টা একই।
Your favourite spot on the couch reminded me of big bang theory’s Sheldon Cooper 🤣🤣.. On a serious note, hope you and the rest of the family are doing well now!
Ha ha Absolutely!!!! Wonderful simili!!!
👍👍Rest are doing ok.. Thank You
Thank You much Ananda👍👍👍🙌The lines of the poem penned by you at the tine if your neighbor’s death which you shares, resounds so much in terms of the exact same emotions- that it was so uncanny..
Thanks much for sharing your beautiful lines
The couch is on rest now and waiting for you to be back to normal sooner than later.
😁😁Yep … true that🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌Thank You
Very well written story. It will be valuable to anybody who utilizes it, as well as me. Keep up the good work – looking forward to more posts.
Thank you much🙏Really appreciate your words of encouragement 🙏