A furry friend -A Dog – whose love is the most unconditional and purest form.As it is said a dog is the only being who loves you more than he loves himself.

And I believe every single word with my heart. So I am lucky,very lucky to have two absolutely adorable lovelyscious gooptlicuous 💕💕huggable furry friends in the neighborhood where I live in.They are two perfectly perfect,loveliestly loveliest , most adorable shihtzu s I have seen.
My daughter and I are absolutely in love with them.We share an inexplicable camaraderie amongst us.Our eyes lit up and theirs too the moment we see each other-we in anticipation of petting them , lifting the two in our arms and talk to them in our coochy coo language. And they in expectation- JUST TO BE HELD FOR A WHILE; just to be loved; just to listen to two words of unadulterated love.
The past 1 year due to Covid had changed everything. The regular schedule of walks , the interactions everything had suddenly come to an abrupt halt.
My furry friends missed our almost daily interactions and so did we. Watched my friends from the window, and often felt heartbroken when I saw my special friends stopping in front of our house with their hooman, with lots of expectation in their eyes, waiting for us to come out and show them our love😢And each time they went back with a feeling of utter confusion & disappointment. The question which lurked on their eyes – “what caused this sudden shift in Ranita and Nanu’s (name changed to protect identity) indifference? “
Yes they didn’t talk – but me being an ardent dog lover I seem to get their pulse, understand their language and that pained me .
And at last after almost 14 months , the other day with a lot of joy , content and peace very happy to say that both Nanu and her mom had a beautiful reunion with their furry friends Emma and Owen❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And the kisses that we were showered with just reassured one more time that how with no complaints , no grudges, no blamegame were they FORGIVING ; were they forever LOVING;

cute :)❤️
And you bet they are 🥰🥰🤗🤗